Monday, 18 October 2010

給女兒(a letter from my dad)

昔の事が 目に浮かぶ 天井まで 吹っ飛ぶ様な わめき声
でも入学して かわったね 鳳凰木 見える窓際で


男孩看見野玫瑰 荒地上的野玫瑰
清早盛開真鮮美 急忙跑去近前看
愈看愈覺歡喜  玫瑰、玫瑰、紅玫瑰


如果海會說話 如果風愛上砂

如果 有些想念遺忘在漫長的長假

我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮




Saturday, 9 October 2010

I had a very exciting English class today, even though the balestier students didn't come today. I thought that the class would be quiet and boring, but ms.Adrienne had switched the boring subject into an exciting one!!! We were doing on a project about "A Happy City". first of all, we went to the archifest, near the national library to research some information. We found many interesting things such as the MRT station under a pool and the house that looks like a fishbowl as it was surrounded by water. we stayed there looking at all the boards and cubes until breaktime. After the breaktime, we went back to class and continued on the work. Ms.Adrienne told us to make a poster of it. We were free to design however we like. We have to rewrite the information into a paragraph and copy it on the poster. Long was the one who wrote out the paragraph. As for me, I drew shapes for Zhi Ming to write the paragraph on. Dwi was assigned to cut the shapes I drew and paste it on the poster Background. I was intructed to design and draw on the poster so i drew whatever stuff that can make people laugh. I drew Dwi with one of his teeth missing, Long with his eyeglass too thick that his eyes were gone and Zhi Ming's handsome oval face became round and funny. I also drew Ms.Adrienne and myself. After we have finished the poster, we took pictures together with Ms.Adrienne. I was really happy. I had lots of fun doing the work. We were laughingand working together. And I feel that the class was full of warmth.